The Iry

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The Iry
The Iry is the immensely talented four-piece hailing from Columbus, Ohio who have been friends and even family far longer than bandmates. Cousins Stefan Schwartz (lead vocals, keyboard) and Jordan Lothes (percussion), along with childhood friends Gregory Hewes (guitars) and Chris Williams (bass, backing vocals), create a unique sound based on eloquent lyrics, complex piano leads, intricate rock guitar and pop melodies. Drawing direct comparisons to such bands as Coldplay, Muse and the Cold War Kids, The Iry are impatiently waiting to exceed all expectations.

The Iry – “Whole Again”

As The Iry prepare to graduate from their respective universities they are transitioning from underground college favorites to chart topping artists. And by secluding themselves for two months in North Carolina with Jeff Juliano (Dave Matthews Band, O.A.R) and Ted Comerford (Zox, Army of Me, Red Wanting Blue) The Iry have laid the foundation for what is expected to be a groundbreaking album.

According to Jordan Loewen (Fresh Air radio, UK), "I have never encountered a band so young, so talented and so intelligent. The Iry are simply breaking every stereotype associated with talented musicians. In regards to the future success of The Iry, it is not a question of if, but rather a question of when."

Upon establishing a rabid following in the Midwest with their exceptional live performances The Iry is expanding their regional showcases into a nationwide tour. Why? According to Stefan Schwartz, "No gimmicks, no image and no abbreviated song titles… we are simply here to save popular rock music!"

Tour Dates :
04.07 The Verve (Terre Haute, IN)
04.08 University of Michigan (Flint, MI)
04.13 The Balcony (Oxford, OH)
04.15 Indiana University (Blomington, IN)
04.21 Spin (Indianapolis, IN)
04.22 Nate & Wally’s (Bowling Green, OH)
04.29 The Balcony (Oxford, OH)
04.11 Uptown Park (Oxford, OH)
04.12 The Nite Owl (Dayton, OH)
04.19 The Balcony (Oxford, OH)
04.25 Radio Radio (Indianapolis, IN)
04.26 The Verve (Terre Haute, IN)
05.09 The Balcony (Oxford, OH)
05.10 Indiana University (Bloomington, IN)
05.17 Butler University (Indianapolis, IN)
05.24 Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilnti, MI)
05.31 The Verve (Terre Haute, IN)
06.07 Columbus Arts Festival (Columbus, OH)
07.05 The Verve (Terre Haute, IN)

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