The guys in Head of Femur are pretty cool. Indie Rock veterans, who aren't afraid to experiment. They make use of any and all instruments they can... they're even able to make the saxaphone cool.
The new album, "Great Plains," comes out pretty soon, and is worth checking out.
Head of Femur - "Jetway Junior"
HEAD OF FEMUR is the willfully weird orchestral pop brainchild of pop auteurs Mike Elsener and Matt Focht (former Bright Eyes drummer). GREAT PLAINS, Head of Femur's newest, is the band's third chapter in the journey that started on the brittle badlands of Nebraska, continuing in the urban jungle of Chicago, transforming the band from a wieldy pop collective into a tight-knit rock band.
As much as it represents a major leap forward, GREAT PLAINS is also a return home: to Portland's Greyday Records, home of Head of Femur's 2003 critically-acclaimed debut album RINGODOM OR PROCTOR, an album Billboard called "fresh, fun and original."
When that album became an immediate underground hit, receiving rave reviews by tastemaker's like Magnet, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, and Pitchfork, Head of Femur hit the ground running, launching U.S. tours with Wilco, Bright Eyes, Dr. Dog and others, as well as releasing their sophomore album on SpinART, 2005's HYSTERICAL STARS.
Rapid recording sessions in the spring of 2006 resulted in LEADER AND THE FALCON, a 6-song EP self-released in the fall of 2007. Pitchfork called it "a musical equivalent of what Dorothy might have felt like when first stepping out of her house into Oz." Rhythmically complex yet immediately catchy, GREAT PLAINS shows Head of Femur in a new year where change is good.