Your Highness Electric

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Remember the band Christiansen? Well the Kentuckians are back and better than ever, with a new name (Your Highness Electric) and a new album, “The Grand Hooded Phantom” on Longhair Illuminati in May.

Louisville, KY’s Christiansen spent ten years overcoming adversity to remain a band. Original drummer, Terry Campbell moved to New York City and left Your Highness Electric to play with the group, Young Love.

Bassist, Brad Magers spent time earlier this year in NYC playing with The Exit and is currently splitting his time playing with The Bronx in Los Angeles and Your Highness Electric.

The band's core members, Brandon Bear Bondehagen, Brad Magers and Bob Scott decided to fly to California when Phil Pirrone of Longhair Illuminati called them and asked them to record an album for his label.

With a new label, a new album, and members scattered across the country spreading the word, these Kentuckians are back and better than ever.

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