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When asked what the Phoenix, Arizona based band Vayden sounds like, lead singer Curtis Casey answers, “Everything you've ever imagined yet nothing you’ve ever heard.” Influenced by Good and Evil (in no particular order), some of Vayden's songs come at the listener with an attitude of being confrontational and geared for destruction, while others build from a place you don’t expect until it’s too late.

“We started in the dark and dingy basement of an old music store where our drummer, Bruce, taught drum lessons.” Curtis explains, “I bought a half hour lesson so that I would have 30 minutes to convince Bruce to start a band with me. Luckily for me it only took 5. We started right away looking for the rest of Vayden and after some ups, some downs, and some lost band members we finally found ourselves with Jason and Armin.”

Vayden - "The One You Left Behind"

The next search was for a producer. They wanted a person that “got it”, and that’s when they crossed paths with Ryan Greene. Ryan has produced heavy hitters like NOFX, Authority Zero, Lag Wagon, Ten Foot Pole, and Dishwalla to name a few. “We chose Ryan because he understands the importance of melodies, and he’s got a great sense of song direction and arrangement. Infusing that knowledge with his ability to capture incredible drum sounds and raw tones makes him one of the best in the business,” remarks Casey.

Their debut record is entitled “Children of Our Mistakes”.

The name is a play on the fact that every mistake you make spawns a metaphorical child, and that “child” might just grow up to take the wrong path. So in a sense, it’s a reminder to be aware of your actions and whom they effect.

The Album is a combination of hard-hitting rock songs hell bent on destruction ("Karma is a Professional Wrestler”, “Elysium”, “Uniforms”), over the top anthems with gigantic choruses (“Anthem of the Used”, “The One You Left Behind”, “Painted Face”) and melodic introspective songs that will pierce strait to the heart (“Welcome”, “Zoé's Song”).

Casey explains, “We wanted the whole album to take the listener on a melodic journey, while bringing them home with huge hooks, meaningful lyrics and amazing musicianship. Our goal was to create a very deep record with so many layers that after listening to it 1000 times, you still discover new things that will make you love it even more.”

You don’t have to take our word for it. Listen and you’ll understand.

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